Wondering what may be coming up for the Pioneer Day holiday?? This one is unique to Utah, so let's get out there & enjoy it!
July 20
- Antelope Island State Park Pioneer Day Celebrations: Fielding Garr Ranch 12-2pm. Games from 2-4pm. Guided tours of the ranch 10-4pm. (801)649-5742
- Rock the Park Free summer concert series at Station Park - Blue Moon Swamp 7-9pm. The Village at 320 N Station Parkway, Farmington
- Antelope Island Guided Sunset Hike: Like & Times of Great Salt Lake. 7:30pm Bridger Bay Campground #6. Join the park naturalist for a 2-mile one way hike along the Shoreline Trail while discussing the intriguing past of this ancient lake. (801)721-9569
- Free Sunday Concert Series: Susan Facer & Friends, 7pm, Ed Kenley Centennial Amphitheater, 403 N Wasatch Dr, Layton. (801)546-8575 or www.davisarts.org
July 24
- Antelope Island Pioneer Day Celebration. Fielding Garr Ranch 12-2pm. Games, guided tours, wool processing demos, etc. (801)649-5742
- 16th Annual Taste of the Town, 4-7pm Layton Commons Park, 437 N Wasatch Dr, Layton. Food from 20+ restaurants, live music all in an outdoor shaded environment.
- Free "Riders in the Sky" Pioneer Day Concert, 8pm. Ed Kenley Centennial Amphitheater, 403 N Wasatch Dr, Layton. Pull up a chair & let the entire family enjoy some great cowboy music. Seats fill fast & are first come first served. (801)336-3900
- Days of 47 Parade. The Days of ’47 Parade in downtown Salt Lake City beginning at 9:00 am. For a new adventure, bring the kids, the sleeping bags and the hot dogs downtown on the evening of the 23rd. You can camp out on Salt Lake City streets along the route that evening. This is the biggest sleepover your family and friends will ever experience! Remember to bring enough water to keep everyone hydrated. www.daysof47.com
- Sunset City Fun Days. Friday, 6-10pm, Central Park, 85 W 1800 N, Sunset. Carnival, contests, vendors, & movie. North Park, 250 W 2400 N, Sunset. Skate contest, Saturday, 6am-Fireworks!