Monday, August 9, 2010

Back to School Organizing Tips

Establish fresh routines If mornings are chaotic consider taking care of as many daytime preparations as possible the night before (Layout clothes, pack lunches, pack backpacks, etc). Make your new systems kid-friendly so your young helpers can help you get things checked off your to-do list. For example, place lunch making supplies on low shelf, and install low coat hanger hooks.

Create a homework station Decide on the best spot to set up homework central. Take into consideration your level of involvement and your child’s style (alone vs. people around, at table vs. on couch). Put together handy homework tools (pens, pencils, calculator, etc) to have nearby.

Create a system for school papers Get a command central binder with dividers. Have sections for school papers that require immediate attention and another for those that are for future reference (classroom rules, teacher contact info, class lists, etc).

Schoolwork and Artwork Purge unwanted items as soon as they come in the door. Store possible keepers in small storage bin. Go through bin in regular intervals that work for you (daily, weekly, monthly, etc). Keep in mind, the smaller the pile to go through, the easier it is to pick the best pieces out of the crowd and not be overwhelmed by the big pile of papers. Purchase a simple 3-ring binder for things you are keeping indefinitely. This way you have a year’s worth of keepsakes in one simple, tidy system.

Do your homework everyday Both you and your child. Pick a time that works well for your energy level and fits with your other obligations. Take action on any paperwork that requires your attention. Sign and return permission slips. Add important dates to the calendar.

Create a communication hub Include a family calendar, command central binder, phone message supplies. Consider color coding the calendar by family member. Use a bulletin board or fridge to post important reminders.

Create a put-away bin Assign one bin per family member. Clean out your bins every day to prevent clutter accumulation.

Remember not to forget Create system near exit to remember special items (gym shoes, musical instruments, snacks, etc). Hang a bin/basket near/on door with needed items.